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NuCore - to infinity and beyond...

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:05 pm
by rmartin
Now that NuCore is close to being available... I wonder what the future holds. I won't pretend to know all the details about how it works but I would love to see it evolve into a tool for building new pinball machines on the P2K platform. Most collectors know their way around pinball hardware, it is the software element that has proven to be the biggest obstacle in creating new machines. It seems to me that the P2K system has a lot of potential and maybe NuCore can become the tool we need to unleash it...

Here is a video of a team of college students who have reprogrammed a LOTR. Their work has some interesting ideas (copy-cat play, flipper lighting, etc.) It's a bit technical but they have done some cool stuff. ... l-Machines